



Chinese President Xi Jinping Holds Video Meeting with German Chancellor Scholz

  • Categories:News
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  • Time of issue:2022-05-21
  • Views:0

(Summary description)



Xi Jinping pointed out that the current international situation continues to undergo complex changes, and the difficulties and challenges faced by global security and development have increased significantly. It is urgent to inject more stability and certainty into the turbulent and changing era. Both China and Germany are major powers with significant influence. Under the current situation, China and Germany especially need to maintain the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations, and give full play to the stable, constructive and leading role of China-Germany relations, which will not only benefit the two peoples, but also make important contributions to world peace and tranquility.


Xi Jinping emphasized that over the past 50 years, China-Germany relations have maintained a high level of operation. The two sides have achieved common development and mutual achievements through continuous deepening of practical cooperation. The key is to adhere to mutual respect and win-win cooperation. This valuable experience and important principle must be consistently adhered to. go down. China's original intention to develop China-Germany relations remains unchanged, its sincere desire to strengthen cooperation with Germany remains unchanged, and its confidence in China and Germany to jointly accomplish more meaningful events remains unchanged. The two sides should adhere to the main tone of dialogue and cooperation, make good use of the bilateral dialogue and cooperation mechanism, and conduct dialogues in various fields such as addressing climate change, macroeconomic policies, financial stability, energy security, food security, industrial and supply chain stability, and constantly enrich the connotation of China-Germany relations. . It is necessary to deeply tap the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation and actively expand cooperation in new technologies such as green environmental protection, service trade, artificial intelligence, and digitalization. China's accelerated construction of a new development pattern will provide broader market opportunities for countries including Germany. It is necessary to advocate genuine multilateralism, safeguard international fairness and justice, join hands to maintain the core position of the United Nations in international affairs, uphold the basic norms of international relations, promote the building of an open world economy, and promote balanced, coordinated and inclusive global development. Germany is welcome to actively support and participate in global development initiatives and global security initiatives, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


Xi Jinping stressed that China and the EU are comprehensive strategic partners, China and the EU are opportunities for each other, and the common interests of China and the EU far outweigh the differences. China supports the EU's strategic autonomy. China-EU relations are not aimed at, not dependent on, nor controlled by a third party. This is a strategic consensus that both sides should adhere to for a long time. Both sides should adhere to a dialectical and long-term perspective, adhere to mutual respect, adhere to correct understanding, strengthen communication and enhance mutual trust. In the face of geopolitical crises, advocate dialogue and cooperation, and respond to complex changes in the international situation with the stability of China-EU relations; in the face of post-pandemic recovery challenges, strengthen the alignment of development strategies and policy coordination, and promote stable growth of the world economy with the openness of China-EU cooperation; In the face of global challenges, we will focus on climate change, sustainable development and other areas that are critical to the future of mankind, and promote the in-depth development of global governance with the breadth of China-EU dialogue. It is hoped that the German side will play a positive role in the stable and healthy development of China-EU relations.


Scholz said that Germany-China relations have developed very well in recent years, and the two sides should inherit the good traditions and continue to promote the sound development momentum of bilateral relations. The German side is willing to, together with the Chinese side, celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, maintain close communication at all levels, hold a new round of German-Chinese government consultations, conduct dialogues on important issues such as ensuring global supply chain stability and macroeconomic policy coordination, and strengthen trade and investment. cooperation in a wide range of fields, including climate change, fighting the epidemic, health care, education and culture. Germany welcomes China's commitment to expanding high-level opening up, which will bring more opportunities to Germany. Germany is willing to strengthen communicati

Chinese President Xi Jinping Holds Video Meeting with German Chancellor Scholz

(Summary description)



Xi Jinping pointed out that the current international situation continues to undergo complex changes, and the difficulties and challenges faced by global security and development have increased significantly. It is urgent to inject more stability and certainty into the turbulent and changing era. Both China and Germany are major powers with significant influence. Under the current situation, China and Germany especially need to maintain the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations, and give full play to the stable, constructive and leading role of China-Germany relations, which will not only benefit the two peoples, but also make important contributions to world peace and tranquility.


Xi Jinping emphasized that over the past 50 years, China-Germany relations have maintained a high level of operation. The two sides have achieved common development and mutual achievements through continuous deepening of practical cooperation. The key is to adhere to mutual respect and win-win cooperation. This valuable experience and important principle must be consistently adhered to. go down. China's original intention to develop China-Germany relations remains unchanged, its sincere desire to strengthen cooperation with Germany remains unchanged, and its confidence in China and Germany to jointly accomplish more meaningful events remains unchanged. The two sides should adhere to the main tone of dialogue and cooperation, make good use of the bilateral dialogue and cooperation mechanism, and conduct dialogues in various fields such as addressing climate change, macroeconomic policies, financial stability, energy security, food security, industrial and supply chain stability, and constantly enrich the connotation of China-Germany relations. . It is necessary to deeply tap the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation and actively expand cooperation in new technologies such as green environmental protection, service trade, artificial intelligence, and digitalization. China's accelerated construction of a new development pattern will provide broader market opportunities for countries including Germany. It is necessary to advocate genuine multilateralism, safeguard international fairness and justice, join hands to maintain the core position of the United Nations in international affairs, uphold the basic norms of international relations, promote the building of an open world economy, and promote balanced, coordinated and inclusive global development. Germany is welcome to actively support and participate in global development initiatives and global security initiatives, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


Xi Jinping stressed that China and the EU are comprehensive strategic partners, China and the EU are opportunities for each other, and the common interests of China and the EU far outweigh the differences. China supports the EU's strategic autonomy. China-EU relations are not aimed at, not dependent on, nor controlled by a third party. This is a strategic consensus that both sides should adhere to for a long time. Both sides should adhere to a dialectical and long-term perspective, adhere to mutual respect, adhere to correct understanding, strengthen communication and enhance mutual trust. In the face of geopolitical crises, advocate dialogue and cooperation, and respond to complex changes in the international situation with the stability of China-EU relations; in the face of post-pandemic recovery challenges, strengthen the alignment of development strategies and policy coordination, and promote stable growth of the world economy with the openness of China-EU cooperation; In the face of global challenges, we will focus on climate change, sustainable development and other areas that are critical to the future of mankind, and promote the in-depth development of global governance with the breadth of China-EU dialogue. It is hoped that the German side will play a positive role in the stable and healthy development of China-EU relations.


Scholz said that Germany-China relations have developed very well in recent years, and the two sides should inherit the good traditions and continue to promote the sound development momentum of bilateral relations. The German side is willing to, together with the Chinese side, celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, maintain close communication at all levels, hold a new round of German-Chinese government consultations, conduct dialogues on important issues such as ensuring global supply chain stability and macroeconomic policy coordination, and strengthen trade and investment. cooperation in a wide range of fields, including climate change, fighting the epidemic, health care, education and culture. Germany welcomes China's commitment to expanding high-level opening up, which will bring more opportunities to Germany. Germany is willing to strengthen communicati

  • Categories:News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2022-05-21
  • Views:0



Xi Jinping pointed out that the current international situation continues to undergo complex changes, and the difficulties and challenges faced by global security and development have increased significantly. It is urgent to inject more stability and certainty into the turbulent and changing era. Both China and Germany are major powers with significant influence. Under the current situation, China and Germany especially need to maintain the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations, and give full play to the stable, constructive and leading role of China-Germany relations, which will not only benefit the two peoples, but also make important contributions to world peace and tranquility.


Xi Jinping emphasized that over the past 50 years, China-Germany relations have maintained a high level of operation. The two sides have achieved common development and mutual achievements through continuous deepening of practical cooperation. The key is to adhere to mutual respect and win-win cooperation. This valuable experience and important principle must be consistently adhered to. go down. China's original intention to develop China-Germany relations remains unchanged, its sincere desire to strengthen cooperation with Germany remains unchanged, and its confidence in China and Germany to jointly accomplish more meaningful events remains unchanged. The two sides should adhere to the main tone of dialogue and cooperation, make good use of the bilateral dialogue and cooperation mechanism, and conduct dialogues in various fields such as addressing climate change, macroeconomic policies, financial stability, energy security, food security, industrial and supply chain stability, and constantly enrich the connotation of China-Germany relations. . It is necessary to deeply tap the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation and actively expand cooperation in new technologies such as green environmental protection, service trade, artificial intelligence, and digitalization. China's accelerated construction of a new development pattern will provide broader market opportunities for countries including Germany. It is necessary to advocate genuine multilateralism, safeguard international fairness and justice, join hands to maintain the core position of the United Nations in international affairs, uphold the basic norms of international relations, promote the building of an open world economy, and promote balanced, coordinated and inclusive global development. Germany is welcome to actively support and participate in global development initiatives and global security initiatives, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Xi Jinping stressed that China and the EU are comprehensive strategic partners, China and the EU are opportunities for each other, and the common interests of China and the EU far outweigh the differences. China supports the EU's strategic autonomy. China-EU relations are not aimed at, not dependent on, nor controlled by a third party. This is a strategic consensus that both sides should adhere to for a long time. Both sides should adhere to a dialectical and long-term perspective, adhere to mutual respect, adhere to correct understanding, strengthen communication and enhance mutual trust. In the face of geopolitical crises, advocate dialogue and cooperation, and respond to complex changes in the international situation with the stability of China-EU relations; in the face of post-pandemic recovery challenges, strengthen the alignment of development strategies and policy coordination, and promote stable growth of the world economy with the openness of China-EU cooperation; In the face of global challenges, we will focus on climate change, sustainable development and other areas that are critical to the future of mankind, and promote the in-depth development of global governance with the breadth of China-EU dialogue. It is hoped that the German side will play a positive role in the stable and healthy development of China-EU relations.


Scholz said that Germany-China relations have developed very well in recent years, and the two sides should inherit the good traditions and continue to promote the sound development momentum of bilateral relations. The German side is willing to, together with the Chinese side, celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, maintain close communication at all levels, hold a new round of German-Chinese government consultations, conduct dialogues on important issues such as ensuring global supply chain stability and macroeconomic policy coordination, and strengthen trade and investment. cooperation in a wide range of fields, including climate change, fighting the epidemic, health care, education and culture. Germany welcomes China's commitment to expanding high-level opening up, which will bring more opportunities to Germany. Germany is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China in multilateral fields to promote the positive development of EU-China relations.


The leaders of the two countries also had an in-depth and candid exchange of views on the situation in Ukraine. Xi Jinping emphasized that China has always stood on the side of peace, made independent judgments based on the merits of the matter itself, and has been promoting peace talks and cooling the situation in its own way. The Ukraine crisis has once again pushed European security to a critical crossroads. We must do our best to avoid the intensification and expansion of the conflict, which will lead to an unmanageable situation. The European side should show its historical responsibility and political wisdom, focus on the long-term peace of Europe, and seek to solve the problem in a responsible way. European security should be in the hands of Europeans themselves. China supports the EU in playing an active role in the process of persuading peace and promoting talks, and promoting the final construction of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security framework. China welcomes all efforts made by the international community to persuade peace and promote talks, and all parties concerned should support Russia and Ukraine to achieve peace through negotiation.


Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, Wang Yi, He Lifeng and others attended the meeting.


Source: People's Daily client


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