



German dignitaries German dignitaries call on people to unite to eliminate regional disparities

(Summary description)Xinhua News Agency, Berlin, October 3 (Reporter Zhang Yuan Ren Ke) German President Steinmeier and Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered speeches on the 3rd, calling on the people of eastern and western

German dignitaries German dignitaries call on people to unite to eliminate regional disparities

(Summary description)Xinhua News Agency, Berlin, October 3 (Reporter Zhang Yuan Ren Ke) German President Steinmeier and Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered speeches on the 3rd, calling on the people of eastern and western


Xinhua News Agency, Berlin, October 3 (Reporter Zhang Yuan Ren Ke) German President Steinmeier and Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered speeches on the 3rd, calling on the people of eastern and western Germany to unite and eliminate regional disparities.


Germany held a commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the reunification of the two Germanys in Potsdam, southwest of the capital Berlin. Steinmeier, Merkel, President of the Bundestag Schaeuble and President of the Federal Constitutional Court Habart attended the meeting. Due to the epidemic, the scale of the event was reduced, and only more than 200 people attended the event, all of whom wore masks.


In his speech, Steinmeier called on people in the east and west to stay united, eliminate grievances, listen to each other and learn from each other. He said that from the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, it can be seen that the German people will act strongly and responsibly if they remain united. In her speech, Merkel called on the German people to show courage. She said: "Have the courage to explore new paths in the epidemic, have the courage to effectively close the gap between East and West, and have the courage to relentlessly strive for and fight for the integration of the whole society."


Since the reunification of the two Germanys, the development gap between the east and the west has always been a major problem in German society. In order to eliminate the gap and promote integration, the German government has adopted a series of measures, including the collection of a "solidarity tax" to support the construction of the east.


According to a poll released by Germany recently, nearly two-thirds of the respondents believe that the task of reunifying the two Germanys has not yet been completed, and there is still a large gap between the east and the west. On October 3, 1990, the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany officially announced their reunification, and this day was designated as the Reunification Day.


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