



Germany's new crown vaccine is free!

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  • Time of issue:2021-01-05
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(Summary description)In Germany, everyone who is to be vaccinated against the new crown has the right to be vaccinated for free, the federal government said. "Vaccinations are free regardless of whether and how they are i

Germany's new crown vaccine is free!

(Summary description)In Germany, everyone who is to be vaccinated against the new crown has the right to be vaccinated for free, the federal government said. "Vaccinations are free regardless of whether and how they are i

  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2021-01-05
  • Views:0

In Germany, everyone who is to be vaccinated against the new crown has the right to be vaccinated for free, the federal government said. "Vaccinations are free regardless of whether and how they are insured," a spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Health in Berlin said. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert reiterated that vaccinations would be voluntary.



The first airlines have already announced that in the future they will only allow passengers with proof of vaccinations to board. In Germany, discussions are still ongoing over whether more freedom should be given to vaccinated people. For example, a vaccinated person can go to a bar or club. Ethics committees have yet to find a position on it, and politicians are taking a stand.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Health Minister Spahn both reassured that there will be no general mandatory vaccinations. Under the Infection Protection Act, mandatory vaccinations are available for certain groups of people. However, this must be justified and approved by the Federal Parliament.



The desired effect occurs only after about 70% of the population has been vaccinated. Assuming 100,000 vaccinations per day, it would take about 150 days to vaccinate 15 million people. Also, the vaccine must be given twice for it to work. With Germany's 83 million inhabitants, vaccination efforts will take a long time to win the fight against the virus.

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