



German CDC: Vaccination rates almost stopped rising

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  • Time of issue:2021-09-06
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(Summary description)In the latest report released on the evening of September 2, the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s federal disease control agency, pointed out that Germany’s current full vaccination rate is 61%, an in

German CDC: Vaccination rates almost stopped rising

(Summary description)In the latest report released on the evening of September 2, the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s federal disease control agency, pointed out that Germany’s current full vaccination rate is 61%, an in

  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2021-09-06
  • Views:0

In the latest report released on the evening of September 2, the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s federal disease control agency, pointed out that Germany’s current full vaccination rate is 61%, an increase of only 2% from 59% the previous week. From the end of July to the end of August, the country's full vaccination rate rose by only 10%, a far cry from the Robert Koch Institute's expected target.



On June 5, staff in Meerbusch, Germany, work at a "drive-thru" vaccination site for the new crown. (Image source: Xinhua News Agency)


Beijing CCTV News reported that, according to the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's expectations in July through modeling methods, the full vaccination rate of Germans aged 12 to 59 should reach 85% by the end of the summer, and the full vaccination rate of people over 60 should reach 85% by the end of the summer. The vaccination rate should be 90%. Experts at the institute believe that only in this way can Germany ensure that the public health system, especially the intensive care beds, is not overloaded in the fourth wave of the new crown epidemic. In this regard, Drosten, a well-known German virologist, said that the country's current vaccination rate is not enough to deal with a new wave of new crown epidemics that will appear in the fall.


     In addition, the report also shows that the complete vaccination rate of Germany's federal states is also quite different: Saxony's complete vaccination rate is only 52%, the lowest in Germany; while Bremen, the state with the highest vaccination rate, has reached 71%.

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