



Ministry of Education: Will create more demonstration cooperation projects with Germany to promote the quality and efficiency of educational cooperation

(Summary description)According to the official website of the Ministry of Education, on April 22, Minister of Education Chen Baosheng and German Federal Minister of Education and Research Kalicek jointly held a video cons

Ministry of Education: Will create more demonstration cooperation projects with Germany to promote the quality and efficiency of educational cooperation

(Summary description)According to the official website of the Ministry of Education, on April 22, Minister of Education Chen Baosheng and German Federal Minister of Education and Research Kalicek jointly held a video cons


According to the official website of the Ministry of Education, on April 22, Minister of Education Chen Baosheng and German Federal Minister of Education and Research Kalicek jointly held a video consultation, exchanging opinions on topics such as vocational education, higher education, youth exchange and language teaching. .


The two sides agreed that since 2018, the two countries have carried out a lot of cooperation in the fields of conducting large-scale vocational teacher training, supporting German companies to deeply participate in China's vocational education reform, and exploring online teaching.


In the future, the two sides will uphold the principle of mutual benefit and win-win results, create more demonstration cooperation projects, promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of Sino-German educational cooperation, and inject new vitality into the sustainable and stable development of the Sino-German comprehensive strategic partnership.

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