



In 2021, Germany's "elite university" Dresden University of Technology welcomes the first freshmen of the college entrance examination program

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  • Time of issue:2021-03-17
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(Summary description)On March 15, 2021, the first batch of students has successfully arrived at the Technical University of Dresden! This week, the intensive German study and various procedures will be completed.

In 2021, Germany's "elite university" Dresden University of Technology welcomes the first freshmen of the college entrance examination program

(Summary description)On March 15, 2021, the first batch of students has successfully arrived at the Technical University of Dresden! This week, the intensive German study and various procedures will be completed.

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  • Time of issue:2021-03-17
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On March 15, 2021, the first batch of students has successfully arrived at the Technical University of Dresden! This week, the intensive German study and various procedures will be completed.






Germany's "elite university" Dresden University of Technology's college entrance examination program through the program

Background of the project

With the advent of the era of Industry 4.0, Germany's excellent industrial technology has become more and more popular. Among them, the fields of automobile, machinery, engineering, and electronics have always enjoyed a high reputation in the world. Germany's education teachers and scientific research strength are also world-class. Therefore, higher education in Germany has become more attractive. In the past decade, the number of Chinese students studying in Germany has increased significantly. With the close development of Sino-German relations, the cooperation between the two countries in scientific research, education, economy and trade is also deepening.

In order to promote the cooperative relationship between China and Germany in the field of education, the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, launched the German "German" program for outstanding Chinese high school graduates in response to the new regulations of the APS Audit Department of the German Embassy in China - Gaokao-Verfahren. "Elite University" college entrance examination program through program (elite class).

School Profile

Technische Universität Dresden (Technische Universität Dresden) is located in Dresden, the capital of Saxony, Germany. The city is located on the beautiful Elbe River. It has a long history and is known as the "Pearl of Culture and Art in Central Europe". Dresden is also the industrial and cultural center of eastern Germany, the birthplace of the famous car "Audi" and Germany's third largest bank, Dresden Bank.

Founded in 1828, the Technical University of Dresden is one of the oldest technical universities in Germany and one of the most famous comprehensive universities. Together with the Technical University of Aachen and the Technical University of Munich, it is listed as the most famous "elite university" in Germany. It is a member and a member of the nine polytechnic university alliance "TU9", which enjoys high prestige in Germany and abroad.




The school has a wide range of teaching fields, covering more than 120 majors in 14 colleges such as business administration, engineering, science, medicine, humanities and sociology. The school has more than 36,500 students (including nearly 3,800 international students from more than 100 countries), nearly 8,700 university staff, and 5,319 faculty members, including 507 professors, ensuring the top teaching standards of Dresden University of Technology and research level. Its innovative educational model and academic strength covering various economic fields have been widely recognized in Europe and Asia. Students who graduate from the school are vying for employment by major multinational companies, banks and government departments, becoming the backbone of Germany's development.

Professional presentation
School of Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical Engineering (Undergraduate, Bachelor and Master), Process Technology and Natural Product Technology (Undergraduate, Bachelor and Master), Materials Science (Undergraduate, Bachelor and Master), Textile and Garment Technology
School of Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering: Electrical Engineering (Bachelor and Master), Information Systems Engineering, Mechatronics (Bachelor and Master), Renewable Energy Systems (Bachelor and Master), Nanoelectronic Systems
School of Computer Science: Computer Science (Bachelor, Master), Media Computer Science, Computer Systems Engineering (Bachelor and Master), Computer Logic
School of Civil Engineering: Civil Engineering (Bachelor and Master), Advanced Computing and Civil Engineering Structural Research
School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics, Economic Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Molecular Bioengineering, Chemistry, Food Chemistry (National Exam), Organic Molecular Electronics, Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Affective Cognitive Neurology , human behavior in social systems
School of Environmental Sciences: Forestry, Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Geography, Hydrology, Cartography and Geomedia Engineering, Water Resources Management, Waste Economy and Toxic Waste Management, Geodesy, Cartography, Geoinformation Technology, Wood Technology and Wood Economics, Water Treatment Biology, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering, Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management
School of Transportation: Transportation Economics, Transportation Engineering (Bachelor and Master), Rail System Engineering
School of Architecture: Architecture (Bachelor and Master), Landscape Architecture
School of Medicine: Clinical Medicine, Dentistry
School of Economics: Economic Informatics (Bachelor and Master), Economic Engineering (Bachelor and Master), Economic Education, Economics
School of Education: Vocational Education and Human Resources, Social Education, Social Work and Social Welfare, Continuing Education Research and Organizational Development
Law School: Legal System, International Intellectual Property Law Research, Economic Law
Faculty of Philosophy: Christian Theology, Catholic Theology, Catholic Theology in Interdisciplinary Contexts, History, Art History, Media Studies and Media Practice, Musicology, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology (Bachelor, Master), Applied Media Studies, Ancient Greco-Roman Culture, Ancient Music Studies, Politics and Constitution
Faculty of Languages, Literatures and Cultures: Linguistics and Cultural Sciences (English Language and Literature, Germanic Language and Literature, Roman Language and Literature, Slavic Language and Literature, Classical Philology), European Language and Literature
School of Biotechnology: Molecular Bioengineering, Nanobiophysics, Regenerative Biology and Medicine
Admission requirements
Ø 12 years of primary school, junior high school, high school study and relevant graduation certificate;
Ø Possess a high school certificate;
Ø High school graduates who took the college entrance examination in 2019 and later;
Ø The college entrance examination score should reach at least 70% of the province's total college entrance examination score;
Ø Have a basic level of German listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  Project Benefits
Ø The cost of studying abroad is "low"
The cost of studying abroad in the preparatory program for ordinary high school students is high. Compared with the preparatory program for ordinary high school students, the cost of studying abroad in this program is low.
Ø The scope of application is "wide"
The application of the preparatory program for ordinary high school students is very restrictive, and they cannot freely apply to universities in Germany. Through this project, students can truly apply freely to universities in Germany.
Ø The risk of going abroad is "small"
There are many restrictive factors in the preparatory program for ordinary high school students. Students need to pass the preparatory examination consisting of multiple courses (German, mathematics, computer, physics, chemistry, economics, etc.) before they can apply for German universities. After passing this program, they only need to pass the German C1 exam to apply for German universities.
Ø Learning atmosphere is "good"
The quality level of the participants in the preparatory program for ordinary high school students varies. Students participating in this program have achieved more than 70% of the total score in the college entrance examination, with a strong learning atmosphere and healthy competition. A good learning atmosphere makes it easier for students to get good grades.
Ø "Strong" future security
The guaranteed colleges of the preparatory program for ordinary high school students are not German famous colleges and universities. Students who participate in this program can obtain the undergraduate pre-admission of Dresden University of Technology, one of the "TU9" and "elite universities", and guarantee the undergraduate study position of the famous school in advance. After meeting the language requirements, students can enter the Dresden University of Technology to study, and can also apply to other famous schools in Germany.

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